Kill All

Symphony comes with a dos utility which can be used to automatically start, stop or restart the Symphony Services. This can be faster than individually managing the services from the Services console in windows (accessed by running "Services.msc" from the Start > Run command).


Using the Killall utility will not restart the SQL Database.


Usage: killall <command>


Where next command is one of:

  1 - Stop Services gracefully

  2 - Terminate services

  3 - Start services gracefully (restart web)

  4 - Terminate services only if necessary

  5 - Start services gracefully (leave web alone)

  6 - <pid> - Kill the specified pid

  7 - Restart web

  8 - Get CPU usage from shared memory

  9 - Same as 4 except will also kill infoservice

  r - Restart services (killall 9, killall 5)

  s - Restart services in sequence

  t <tracker id> - Restart tracker <tracker id>


Usage Example:

To restart all system services, from the command prompt type killall r and click ENTER on keyboard to run command.


See Also

Symphony Services